Complaint Procedure

At DMD Medway Ltd we endeavour to provide services of a high standard to all our service users. Given that we will be helping so many, there is bound to be the occasional mistake. Much of the time we cannot know that annoying has gone wrong, or that the service user is unhappy with our service unless we have been told.

We want to hear your comments, complaints and compliments. With your help we can ensure that our service meets people’s needs.

How to be heard when you want to complain. At DMD Medway Ltd, we endeavour to provide services of a high standard to a large number of people every year. Given that we are helping so many of you, there is bound to be the occasional mistake. Much of the time, we cannot know that anything has gone wrong, or that you are unhappy with our service unless you tell us. We want to hear your complaints or comments - with your help we can ensure that our services meet people’s needs. This procedure tells you how to complain if you have a problem with our services, or feel you have been unfairly treated by our organisation. If you want to know more, or want someone to help you to make your complaint, please ask any member of staff for advice, or contact our local office - address, telephone, email and website details are shown in this procedure.

Stage One:

Making a complaint: In most cases, problems can be sorted out quickly and satisfactorily at Stage One. You can speak to the Staff involved, telling them why you are dissatisfied, or you can write a letter or send an email to our Registered Manager- Laraine Domingue expressing in your own terms, your complaint. Nine times out of ten, the problem can be solved on the spot. A complaint must be made no later than 12 months after:

  • the date the event occurred or, if later,

  • the date the event came to the notice of the complainant

The time limit will not apply only if DMD Medway Ltd is satisfied that:

  • the complainant gives good reason for not making the complaint within that time limit, and

  • despite the delay, it is still possible to investigate the complaint effectively and fairly.

Complaints will only be accepted from a representative under certain conditions:

Either: where we know the Service User has consented, either verbally or in writing

Or: where the Service User cannot complain unaided and cannot give consent because they lack capacity within the meaning of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, and

the representative is acting in the Service User’s best interests

When a complaint is received - whether in person, by telephone or email - a report is made of the complaint and a copy of this acknowledgement report will be provided to you within 3 working days. This report will also contain the details of the person carrying out the investigation into your complaint who will have sufficient seniority to resolve the issues.

What happens next?

The Registered Manager will contact you within 3 working days to speak to you about your complaint, or to arrange to see you to discuss it further. If you wish, you can ask a friend, relative or someone from a voluntary organisation to be with you or speak for you at this meeting. Please refer to our notice board for details about local advocacy services.

You will be periodically kept informed about the progress of the investigation and the Registered Manager will write to you within 28 working days of your complaint with either a conclusion to the investigation or a reason for needing more time to investigate. A new deadline will be set out in this letter for the expected conclusion date. We aim to have all complaint investigations concluded within six months unless a different deadline has been agreed with the complainant and there is a good reason for this.

If you are not satisfied after this meeting, please say so; your complaint will automatically be passed to the Registered Manager’s superior who will try to resolve the problem.

Stage Two

If you feel your complaint has not been dealt with satisfactorily, you should write to: The Director – Mr Frederic Domingue - at the Company address describing exactly what hashappened, why you are not satisfied and asking him to register your complaint under Stage Two.

The Director will investigate your complaint. This may need telephone contact with you.

  • Within 7 working days of receiving your Stage 2 complaint, an appointment will be made for the Director’s senior person to see you to discuss your complaint. As always, you are welcome to bring a friend, relative or someone from a voluntary organisation along with you, or you can send a representative instead if you wish.

  • The Director will write to you as soon as possible to tell you the result of the investigation and what will be done to put things right.

  • We try to complete Stage Two within 28 working days. However, it can take longer and, if we need more time, we will let you know.

Stage Three

In the event of an unresolved complaint, details are set out below of your local Social Services department who can, of course, be contacted at any time in Stages One or Two to inform them of your complaint.

Once your complaint has been fully dealt with by DMD Medway Ltd, if you are not satisfied with the outcome you can complain to the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO). The LGO provides a free, independent service. The LGO will not usually investigate a complaint until the provider has had an opportunity to respond and resolve matters.

Our service is registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The CQC cannot get involved in individual complaints about providers, but is happy to receive information about our services at any time.

Complaints Procedure

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